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Winter Cocktails


Before we begin, I would just like to stress that Three Left Feet DO NOT advocate drinking away your troubles… that said, boy, it's been a year. Why don't you wind down for winter and celebrate the upcoming new year with some of our favourite festive fancies?

We've compiled together a list of our favourite wintery cocktails to get you feeling jolly this holiday. In a series of increasingly weak puns, we've jotted down the 'igloo-dients' (ingredients), 'why-se men(u)' (why is it on the menu) and 'top tipsel' (what tips do we have for you) to enhance your reading and drinking experience.

Start 2021 with a bang(ing headache)! (Don’t do that, please drink responsibly.)

'Honey-Ginger Margarita' (click here for the recipe)

  • Tequila

  • Honey syrup

  • Fresh lime juice

  • Fresh ginger

Why-se Men: hey, start the year as you mean to go on, tequila's a good bet. The ginger's got enough heat to wake you up and the lime and honey make me think of an altogether more pleasant hot-toddy.

Top Tipsel: this tastes great with an additional lemonade mixer, it adds a bubbly, sharp and sweet hit, also diluting the drink, lowering the alcohol per volume for an easier ride.

'White Mulled Wine' (click here for the recipe)


  • White wine

  • Light cider

  • Elderflower cordial

  • Lemons

  • Vanilla pod

  • Cinnamon sticks

  • Caster sugar

Why-se Men: it feels like a slow transition out of Christmas, away from your traditional mulled wine into a lighter, fruitier version that is (dare I say it) almost better than the OG.

Top Tipsel: the recipe calls for just the zest of the lemons, but what can I say, I'm bitter by nature. If you want a tangier, more refreshing flavour, squeeze some of the lemon juice in as well.

'The Snowball' Mocktail (click here for the recipe)


  • Vanilla ice-cream

  • Lemon juice

  • Diet lemonade

  • Ground cinnamon

  • Redcurrants

  • Mincemeat

  • Sugar

  • Water

Why-se Men: I know, I know. You came here for bevvs and I give you a glorified milkshake. Well, it's an excellent milkshake, so there. Sometimes you're just not in an alcohol mood, or you can't drink (maybe you're the DD?) but want to feel involved. This is the perfect solution. Plus, it tastes banging.

Top Tipsel: if you're as lazy as I am, you're probably not up to making an overnight mincemeat syrup. I tried my luck with quick honey syrup instead - combine equal parts honey and hot water, mix thoroughly and let cool for a couple of minutes. It was très bon. I also used grated chocolate instead of cinnamon. What a rogue.

'Don't Get Cold Feet'

Finally, to celebrate our first year as a company, and our magical winter production The Snow Queen, (available online until 31st January, get your tickets here!) we've decided to create a Three Left Feet cocktail of our own that will warm you right through.


  • 2tbsp Nutella – for Marketing Director, Jess Turton, because she's super sweet and just a little bit nuts!

  • 50ml Spiced Rum – for Artistic Co-ordinator, Andrew Holt, because he's got that creative flair and I'm 86.3% sure he was a pirate in another life!

  • 50ml Butterscotch Liquor – for Business Manager, Katie Marrin, because she's warm, welcoming and a fantastic surprise on a night out!

  • 3/4 Mug Hot Cocoa – for Creative Producer, Elspeth Dale, because she's the undisputed solution to all our problems!

  • Small Pinch of Salt – for Artistic Director, Lara Orriss, because yes, her blood pressure is far too high for someone so young!

Why-se Men: IT'S BLOOMIN' DELICIOUS. Here's the recipe - this will make one drink, so adjust as necessary!

  1. Grab a saucepan and warm approximately three quarters of a mug full of your chosen milk. Heat it gently over a medium to low heat so that you don't split it.

  2. Add the Nutella and mix it in until it melts. Keep the pan on the heat until the milk is piping hot – be careful not to boil it though!

  3. Take the pan off the heat and add a heaped teaspoon of cocoa powder/hot chocolate powder. (If you're using unsweetened cocoa powder, you'll also need to add 1 or 2 teaspoons of sugar. Do it to taste.) Mix thoroughly.

  4. Add the spiced rum and butterscotch liquor. Stir well.

  5. Pour into your mug and add a sprinkle of salt. Don't go overboard; you can add more, but you can't take any out!

Bon Appétit!

Top Tipsel: you can also use water in your cocoa, but IMHO milk makes it taste better; we suggest whole or almond milk. Add cream and marshmallows for the full monty. If you're feeling particularly festive, finish with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

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