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Fang-tastic Audition Tips


It's spooky season! 👻

Now, if you've been following our social media, you'll know that we've got a petrifying performance opportunity for you in honour of all things ghoulish.

However, if this is news to you, and you fancy exploiting your acting skills to haunt the general public this Halloween, check out the roles and learn how to submit an online audition here.

This blog post exists to offer a few helpful tricks and treats to ensure your audition goes down a scream. Be sure to get those audition tapes in soon, though, as the opportunity ends TOMORROW - 13/10/2021 - at 23:59 (just before witching hour). 🧹

(Online) Audition Tip #1: Sights, Sounds, and Sharing are Key!

This one is a tip of three parts; each may seem rather obvious, but you would be surprised at how often these issues crop up online.

  • Sights - make sure we can see you (your face especially)! You don't need the best phone or camera in the world with the highest quality picture, but ensure that you're in frame, in focus, and we can see what you're doing. You could be giving a performance that rivals Meryl Streep, but if you're a million miles away and too far left, then the whole thing's wasted!

  • Sounds - make sure we can hear you! You should project, of course, but you also need to ensure that your audition tape adequately captures your audio. You might need to position yourself closer to the microphone or wait until your housemate stops hoovering to record that perfect take.

  • Sharing - make sure you give us appropriate access to your auditions! Check your sharing permission settings on the Google Drive link or DropBox folder etc. you provide us to guarantee we can get in and watch your content.

Audition Tip #2: Go Big or Go Home!

We want to see exactly what you can do - that's not going to happen if you feel shy, awkward or silly and don't give it all you've got. I tell a lot of actors when they're auditioning and when they're performing that if you don't feel like a bit of a tit sometimes, you're not doing it right. I assure you, you never look as strange as you think, and, from a director's perspective, it is far better to overperform than underperform.

Audition Tip #3: Variety is the Spice of Life!

I'm going to split this tip into two because I'm a devil like that. Both sub-sections ask you to consider how you can add that bit of something-something to your piece.

  • Rise and fall - ensure that the audition takes you on a journey! Ensure appropriate rise and fall within your text to keep the performance ebbing and flowing and your audience interested. Even if it's a remarkably concise text, have a gander about how you can play around with pace, tone, pitch, volume and energy to keep folk on the edge of their seats.

  • What do YOU bring - consider how to make this role yours. Remember, you are a useful resource – you've got bags of quirk and character to draw from! While it is commonplace for actors to forget themselves and simply 'become' the character, there's also something to be said for letting yourself inform your portrayal. What's distinctive about YOU that YOU can add to the role to make it YOU-nique

If you fancy learning more about the opportunity and/or want to access the submission form, hop over to our auditions page. If you have any questions, please drop us a message on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter @threeleftfeetuk, or send an email to

Remember, my fiendish friends, auditions close TOMORROW (13/10/2021) at 11:59pm; don't be late, or we'll put a spell on you!🔮

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